Teacher of the Year Award
"Mridha Foundation Teacher of the year Award" 2019
We are proud to congratulate Ms. Julie Ivan for winning this year's Mridha Foundation "Teacher of the year Award". We established an endowment fund to create this award
10 years back through Saginaw Community Foundation.The recipient receives this prestigious award of recognition and a grant for continued education. Our purpose is to
encourage teachers go beyond to built our future generations. Ms. Julie Ivan is the 10th recipient of this award-- an internationally renowned culinary art educator from
Saginaw Career Complex. Wishing her all the best.
Dr. Debasish Mridha is a practicing neurologist with Michigan Advanced Neurology Center in Saginaw. He serves
on the Board of Directors for the Michigan State Medical Society and the Saginaw County Medical Society.
Mrs. Chinu Mridha is the owner of Subho Management and, together, they own numerous area businesses,
including the Montague Inn in Saginaw.
Dr. and Mrs. Mridha share a specific and passionate interest in supporting education and in unleashing the
potential of others to do good works in the community and the world. Since coming to Saginaw in 1999, they have
established many scholarships to benefit the Saginaw community, including scholarships in support of teachers,
fellow physicians and youth.
Now, in honor of their daughter, Amita, Dr. and Mrs. Mridha have graciously donated funds to the St. Mary’s of
Michigan Foundation for the specific purpose of establishing a scholarship in the amount of $1,000.
© 2020 - 2021 MF – Mridha Foundation
Developed by : Noor Chisti (Noorology Studio)
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Download Schoalrship Application Form (St. Mary’s) :